Monday, April 24, 2006

Don't ask.

*looks down at last post*

Ummm...I deleted one, why won't it GO AWAY????!!!!

Anyways, don't ask about why I've been gaining weight...

Or why I've been eating so much lately.

Edit: Post is bye-bye.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


*raids chocolate stash*

If you people...nevermind.

I guess I have to chase both Lgeolas and Faramir now.

I have someone's pipe also, which is odd because I don't smoke. Maybe it's Aragorn's.

*stalks over and fixes name-mispelling*

There. Happy?

Sunday, April 02, 2006

After The Great Comment Spam Posts

Okay, I can FINALLY write about something else besides the amount of spam comments!

*death glare*

Don't even think about it, Legolas.

Anyways, looks as though Faramir has decided to join us. B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L. Just wonderful! *sarcastic*

And I won't tell you why I'm being sarcastic, you should know. Especially you, Legolas.

Which reminds me, why does he live with you? Isn't he a be living with you? I thought he's able to live with me n' Aragorn, seeing as how he's our STEWARD and all...